We are Remote SQL Server DBAs, and we love it.

We’ve been managing databases for over twenty years, consulting for a decade, and sharing our newsletter since 2009.
We founded ProcureSQL because we love working with Microsoft SQL Server. We can’t be experts at everything, but we’re experts at this and have a great time doing it.
We do not sell hardware, software, licensing, or cloud services. We only focus on data architecture as a service and remote database services.
All we do is help you with SQL Server. We believe that makes us more valuable to you because we have a really simple focus, and we’re always working in your best interest. If we recommend something, you can be sure that it is for your benefit, not ours.
If your business runs on a SQL Server database, I think you will find that we are the people you’re looking for.
We focus on businesses in the United States.
You’ve probably dealt with offshore consultants or database-managed service providers in the past and struggled with communications, time zone differences, and inexpensive consultants who require repeated instructions and still can’t get the job done.
Yeah, we have to. That gets frustrating.
When you work with us, you’ll have a single point of contact: a professional database administrator right here in the US. You’ll get to know us, and just like our other clients, you’ll know that you can trust us with your toughest data problems.
We offer a free consultation.
“Your free call helped us look at things in a different way and discover what the problem was. It allowed us to resolve the problem within minutes after the phone call. Thank you.”
There are many reasons why we offer a free consultation, but the simple answer is that it’s good for business. Sometimes you don’t really need to hire a SQL consultant. You just need the answer to a question or two. We have found through long experience that if we give someone a little help now, they will remember us later when they have a bigger SQL Server problem to solve.
It is also a convenient way to allow potential clients to evaluate our expertise without commitment. That’s why we don’t limit the session to a single person. If you like, you can gather your whole team around a conference phone and let them fire questions at us.
Sometimes we can even solve your problem while you are on the phone. No charge, no obligation. At the very least you will have an opportunity to talk it over with a SQL Server expert and come away with a better understanding of the problem.